Thursday, May 21, 2015

Toyota Camry Owners' club

Welcome to the newly formed Camry Hybrid Owners Club Malaysia. I just bought a Camry Hybrid two weeks ago and I noticed that there wasn't a club that caters to owners and fans of Camry Hybrid and hence I decided to create a platform where Camry Hybrid owners and fans can come together and share their experiences driving/owning a hybrid car. I have decided to name this club as the CHOCoM or the Camry Hybrid Owners'Club of Malaysia. ( The club is also on the Facebook and owners are encouraged to join it. Please  share your experience of owning the Hybrid via the facebook  )

                                   Camry hybrid owners club Malaysia (CHOCoM)
How to join the group:
Go to Facebook and search  Camry hybrid owners club Malaysia (CHOCoM)

I believe a club like this will be crucial because as we can share together our problems (I hope there will not be any major problem to the hybrid) and probably help each other in the best possible manner to solve the problems that may arise.

For a start, I will just blog AND  write on Facebook about my own experience owing to the car and I hope that more people will join in and share their experiences. I hope having this car will be a blissful one devoid of mechanical or any electrical problems. We are talking about a hybrid car that is totally new notwithstanding Honda's hybrid models because these are not full hybrid cars, unlike the Camry.

The car that I bought is Pearl white the same as the one illustrated here and I had to pay an extra RM 800 for the pearl white coating. I thought of getting the black color because it looked so handsome and exclusive but changed my mind because of the black coated rims. The black color with black rims is so unacceptable for a  veteran like me. I can be contacted at 019-280-4336 or via email
Image result for camry Hybrid Malaysia
Toyota Camry Hybrid


  1. Hi hi.. i'm Aiden... just got my hybrid..
    how yours so far??

    1. Congrats Aideen. I'm very happy with my car. I think its the best car I've owned. I think its much better that than the current version of the Honda Accord. I know this because I own both Accord and Camry.

  2. Ok so far. Enjoying my car. How's yours?

  3. hmm.. mine seems like everytime i break my car, i can feel the break clamping my rim with a "click" sound. When the environment is very quiet then you will hear it very obvious especially night time. And when i told the service center, they said the breaking system design is like that one??
    How about yours?

    1. Hi,
      Pls correct me if I am wrong..............
      My CH (Camry Hybrid) is also having the same clamping noise (tatt tatt....) BUT this is normal as the braking system is NOT the same as those non-hybrid car whereby the brake caliper applies brake force to brake pads to clamp the brake disc thus stop the car (with the exception that "hard braking").
      Each time u apply brake, the motor is actually dragging the car to regenerate the electric power then store in the battery. In return slow down the car.
      That's the reason why Toyota hybrid cars hardly have to change the brake pads.
      By the way, I am getting pretty impressive low fuel consumption with and ave of 7L/100km.

  4. Dear Anonymous

    Sorry for the late reply. I missed your email. Up to now my car has given me no problem. The only gripe that I have about the car is the noise generated by the engine when charging the battery is a bit noisy (although not very loud) in a very quiet car

  5. Hi drsalleh,

    Thanks for setting up this blog. Great man!

  6. Drove mine for almost 6 months. Everything is good except that brake sound " tat tat tat" anoying.. not sure if its faulty

  7. Drove mine for almost 6 months. Everything is good except that brake sound " tat tat tat" anoying.. not sure if its faulty

    1. It happens to mine as well. I believe it's true of other cars assembled in Malaysia. It's not too noisy but quite irritating in a quiet ambience

  8. Hi drsalleh and owners. I just got my new hybrid over the weekend.
    The satellite navigation stopped working after a couple of hours when I decided to explore it. It keeps giving me a message to say reading and try again later and just does nothing after that.
    Anyone can help before I go back to Toyota on this? Thank you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. my toyota Camry Hybrid start running 100km/h, can heard noise sound is from driver and passenger windows .., anybody can help

  11. Dear Kt -jb

    It Happens to mine. It is noisy at the B pillar on the driver's side. I've complained to Toyota Bangi but they just sprayed some silicone liquid at the rubber lining. The noise is still there.

  12. Hi! Drsalleh, It is noisy at the B Pillar on the driver's and passenger side. the result is 75db. what toyota JB dealer do, they don't how to fix this problem. are you using meter sound portable machine to test? really disappointment what toyota doing....

    1. Dear TCH owner
      That's noisy. No noise testing instrument was used but I had experienced driving most D segment car.

      I kind of expected that kind of service from Toyota. You need to make more noise and go to the right 3S centre

  13. Hi, just bought CH 2days while braking I hear noise like wind sound. It is normal?

  14. Hi Kenji
    The whirring sound when braking is quite normal. It's the result of the sound made by the regenerative braking system.
