Monday, October 12, 2015

Camry Hybrid Owners Club Malaysia (CHOCoM) on Facebook

Dear Owners , Friends, Fans and Prospective owners of the Toyota Camry please take note.

Camry Hybrid Owners Club Malaysia (CHOCoM)

The Camry Hybrid owners Club of Malaysia Facebook edition has been officially created today. As such,we have another platform in which we can share our thoughts , opinions, knowledge, and experience on the hybrid. I do welcome your contributions or suggestions. This is not a money making venture but truly a platform to share our experiences.Let's us make this a success.


  1. Sorry I can't find this group on Facebook. But there is the Camry Hybrid Club Malaysia.

  2. Just sent you an email with the addresses

  3. Just sent you an email with the addresses

  4. Replies
    1. Just go to facebook and type Camry Hybrid owners Club Malaysia CHOCoM
