Thursday, July 28, 2016

Camry hybrid features / Features in Camry Hybrid 2016

Hi gals...
6 cool things that not many people know about Camry hybrid.
Even though Toyota Camry hybrid has been introduced early last year, not every body knows in greater detail about the Camry hybrid. This is due to the fact that the design of the car looks so normal or so conventional. There's nothing about the car that tells other people that the vehicle is a hybrid other than a small logo "Hybrid Synergy Drive" at the back of the car and the blue light that circles the Toyota emblem
1.TCH has no tachometer
Most conventional car has a tachometer to show how hard the combustion engine is working. The instrument panel is popularly known as the RPM instrument. But hybrid cars dont have that because the car is run by the engine or the electric motor or both. What it has is an instrument to show whether the battery is being charged .
2. TCH drives for 2 km quietly under EV mode
The Camry hybrid is unlike other non hybrid vehicles because it can run on battery juice for at least 2 kilometres up to 40 km/h. This feature is particularly important when one is driving around the housing estate. We can drive quietly at night without disturbing the neighbours. This is the time Camry hybrid owners can show off their hybrid power.
3. Faster than non hybrid cars
Not many people know this. They thought that the Camry hybrid is a 'pondan' car that's only good for saving fuel. This is not true at all . It can muster all the instant electric torque to do a sprint of 100 km/h in less than 8.3 seconds. That is faster than most cars on the road

4. Can harness energy when braking.
One of the smart features of the Camry hybrid is that it hates to waste energy. It even could harness energy when braking and turn the braking activity into energy which is then stored in the battery.This process is called regenerative braking. The whirring sound that you hear when braking the car is the result of this.
5. Does not have to warm up the engine
When I was young I was reminded by my father to warm up the engine for a few minutes before driving the car. This is needed to make sure that the engine does not stutter. Later , I learned that modern engine does not need to be warmed up for too long. It just needs not more than 20 seconds because of the good quality of oil that we use. Now we dont even need to warm up the engine. Just turn on the switch and off you go.
6.Air cond is run using battery power.
In non hybrid cars we need to use the combustion engine to run the air con because the cooling unit really saps a lot of power. But in the hybrid the aircond is run electrically.The engine is used to charge the battery which runs the aircond. That is why we still have the cool breeze when the engine is not running. We only hear the hum of the aircond running without hearing the engine noise.
So these are some of these features that not many people know about. Sometimes even the owners of Camry hybrid know all these things.

1 comment:

  1. Air cond blower is running on battery power but not air cond Compressor.
    You shall notice the different in air flow temperature after engine stops for a longer duration.
