Monday, July 25, 2016

Owners of Toyota Camry hybrid

Dear readers....
Who are the owners of Camry hybrid?
It not easy to determine the ownership traits of Camry hybrid. But based on my years of experience and good circle of friends I could actually list down some commonalities or key denominators that make up these owners.
Image result for camry hybrid 2016 Malaysia

1. The owners of TCH are mainly senior managers, high ranking govt officials, young entrepreneurs, directors of multi national companies, bank managers, powerful women VPs of big companies, and owners of SMEs.
2. Most of the drivers of Camry hybrid are happily married men and savoring their so called success. They seem to be loyal to their wife but occasionally forgot that they are married. They seem to have selective amnesia whenever they need it.
3. They really love their family and their children and willing to give their best when it comes children's education and financial planning.
4. They are mainly cautious about spending their money unnecessarily or things that are not important. Sometimes they can be so ,'kedekut' to buy expensive jewelry for their wife and will come up with all sort of excuses not to go vacation overseas.
5. They are between the age of 35 to 55 years old but still very strong physically and emotionally stable.
6. They don't go and look out for girlfriends or mistresses but will not refuse or reject outright those pretty girls who need advice and some comforting.
7. Occasionally, they give advice to other people and motivate them to achieve their best and most of the time they are strongly opinionated.
8. The women who drive a Camry hybrid are powerful and influential personnel in their companies. These are no nonsense women and act like an iron lady but most of the time they are still single. (KY Tham or Calvin Yau please dont start investigating their backgrounds).
9. They are honest and imbued with great communicative ability and able to charm lots of people.
10. They are financially stable and maintain a good investment portfolio.
11. They can be very loving and romantic. (This trait I purposely create and dont sell this trait to every girl you meet)
So there you are guys some of the common traits of owners of Camry hybrid. I know most of you are not very happy about it but do take it in stride. We are the owners of Camry Hybrid.

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