Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Camry hybrid performance

Hi members...

I've owned the TCH for more than than 1.5 years and generally very satisfied with my car.The mileage on my odometer is around 40,000 km. So far, it has not given me much problem except for some wind noise ruffling on the driver's side when speeding at around 120 to 130 km/h.
I believe we will only appreciate the Camry better when we drive other cars and come back to drive the Camry again. Only then we will realize how quiet the car is or how fast it can be when you step on the gas pedal.
If the Camry hybrid is your one and only car then you might not be able to appreciate the beauty or the attributes of the car. The beauty can only be seen when when you are separated momentarily.
The Camry is pretty much like marrying a " kampung" girl. She will do all the chores efficiently without any hesitation or complaint. Minimal maintenance but maximum satisfaction. That's the Camry hybrid.

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