Sunday, September 25, 2016

Toyota Camry hybrid accesories

Hi guys 

Another important issue that we brought up with Toyota Malaysia  has got to do with accessories for Camry hybrid.

5. Accessories

With the warranty so tight what could we do? In fact, we could not do anything to the car.We told them we would die in silence listening to the mediocre speakers.We told them our eyes would bleed looking at the rims on the Camry . (The design although intended to be sportier could not attract younger buyers and ostracising the old like me & uncle KY Tham.) We told them our hearts would be hurt if the car gets stolen if safe safety gears were not sold . ( Nobody actually steals a Camry ). We told them we would be suffering for a long while if nothing is done to pacify and comfort the Camry hybrid owners and deprive them of the accessories.

We professionally argued with them that Toyota assemblers in other countries like Russia, Thailand and India were more creative and enterprising. Anslem did more research about the Camry specifications and even provided the people there of the glossy and colored brochures of accessories sold by those Toyota Companies. They were taken aback and impressed by how 'knowledgeable' we were about the specs in those countries.

The best part is that we managed to convince them to look into this matter seriously even though the bosses at Shah Alam were quite reluctant to go into retailing aggressively. (FYI, Anslem has lots of knowledge in tactical negotiations).They thought that the owners would not buy accessories sold by them. We however managed to convince them that there were ready buyers for the products.

The Toyota people even requested that they have the brochures so that they could try to convince the Lexus guy and the decision making committee members of the importance of providing options for the buyers who are tied to factory warranty. So far , they have viewed our suggestions very positively. They just requested that they were given more time to deliberate on the matter. We just pray that they would create a stronger retailing entity selling certain accessories for the Camry owners specifically and other Toyota cars in general.

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