Sunday, September 25, 2016

Getting to know Camry hybrid 2016 / Toyota awareness program

Hi readers

The second issue that we brought up with UMW Toyota Malaysia relates to Awareness driving Program

2. Special Awareness driving programme

One of our members Mr Kong Seng Wong in CHOCoM  suggested that Toyota Malaysia has a get -to
 know -Camry session / Awareness driving programme for buyers of Camry hybrid. This was taken 
positively by Toyota Malaysia and they somehow told us that they would try to do this ASAP. Please 
check with Toyota portal for any news on this. Please remember that they do this for all buyers of 
Toyota Camry hybrid in Malaysia not just for CHOCoM members.

The problem is that they are not many places available for everyone. So if you see the programs 
advertised on the Toyota portal, please notify them ASAP (First come first served basis). However, if 
CHOCoM members are really interested in joining the program just give your names to me or Anslem 
and we will forward them to the right people in Toyota. We cannot promise anything but based on what 
they have said they welcome some names through us. We hope they keep their promises.

Image result for Toyota awareness program

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