Sunday, September 25, 2016

Toyota Camry hybrid warranty / what makes warranty null and void?

Dear readers

Most owners do not know what makes a warranty null and void. This is Toyota Malaysia perspectives.

4. Warranty

What makes a warranty null and void? The feedback and the response that we got from Toyota Malaysia were clear ~Dont mess with the warranty of the car. They dont really like owners going beyond the stipulated original specifications designed for the car.
According to UMW Toyota, even the straight forward change of rims of the Camry hybrid might render your warranty null and void if they noticed that weight of the rims are not within the specifications when accidents happened or if your Camry hybrid turned turtle at a highway exit.
The simple act of adding a dashcam camera even though does not involve cutting of a wire can also cause the warranty to be null and void if it involves the disengagement of certain screws or parts of the car . They would be able to identify this by a computerized device that they have . They will know this if the device could not read the codes.
Even some simple alignments that we do outside Toyota service centers could also result in the warranty being null and void if they noticed that the underpinning of the car had been duly affected. Toyota has a machine that would be able to detect any chassis misalignment caused by unauthorized center.
In short, be careful about the warranty. Please make sure that the things that you do are within permissible acts of the warranty guidelines. I know this is too much but this is the impression that we got from the meeting. I believe they work like an insurance company. If they could find mistakes that we make, they will just wash their hands. They dont really try to find your fault but if they do you have to face the consequences.

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