Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Toyota Camry niggling problems

I've owned the hybrid almost 4 years already and the mileage on the car is almost 80,000 kilometres. All these years I've been enjoying the car. So far my car has performed almost flawlessly and I hope it will continue to do so. There are of course some niggling problems but they are quite bearable.

 One problem that is me is the spongy brakes. At the initial stage of owning the car, it wasn't that spongy but after a few years, the feeling of sponginess is getting worst. The braking system on the hybrid is rather peculiar and will not be able to match a braking system in a conventional car. So if one decides to buy a hybrid one must take into consideration the peculiarity of sponginess in the hybrid. Basically, there is nothing wrong with the braking but the feeling that comes with it. If you can accept a spongy brake then, by all means, get a hybrid.

Another irritation has got to do with the sound system. The system in the hybrid is the worst there is. The sound is rather flat and gives no pleasure. Toyota company has to do something about the sound system. We can't modify the system as it will render the warranty null and void. Feeling helpless to do something is the worst kind of feeling. Give options to the present owners to do something to the system. Provide additional sounds systems for us to buy or allow us to modify the system without being penalized.

Hope that my Toyota Hybrid will continue to perform admirably.


  1. Hello drsalleh. I'm also a hybrid owner. Recently I get a wind noise from the rear passenger left side when hitting 100kmh and above. It gets louder with speed. I wonder if this is a characteristic of the car?

    1. No it's not...can get TSC to check. Could be the rubber misfit.. Or misaligned door panel.

  2. Biggest source of irritation for me is the sound system. It gives JBL a bad name.
