Monday, August 1, 2016

Toyota Camry hybrid extended warranty Malaysia / 2 year extra warranty Toyota

Hi bros and sistas...

RM 2990 is a lot of money for me. I could use the money to go to UK and get a couple of my cheap favourite T shirts at Primark departmental store in London or probably get an I phone 6 because my ASUS is always hanging and causing irritating problem even now while writing this post. I could even get a 40 in TV because the one I have is flickering with yellow lights and difficult to watch the news about DOJ investigation.
Toyota extended warranty
Nonetheless, I just closed my eyes and signed the extended warranty form at the Toyota Service Center in Bangi yesterday. There goes my tonnes of money. I didn't actually want to buy the warranty because I thought Toyota should have given us a 5 year warranty instead of 3 because its already a standard practice for other car manufacturers at that time. But my rational side won the battle and made me signed the sales form. Below are the reasons why I decided to buy it.
1. I dont want to take risk. I feel that owning a hybrid which is quite new in Malaysia is having a' time bomb'. We dont know when its going to explode or break down. I know Toyotas are reliable but there's also a great possibility that we might get a lemon. Rather than feeling sorry later I would rather spend the 3 K now. Who knows may be two years from today the Inverter of the car might just go kaput. Like our health we dont know when we will be struck by a paralyzing stroke or heart attack. The inverter of the car is just like our precious heart.
Cost of extended warranty

2. You cant just stop worrying about the car and think about other things which are more important like your children, your financial investment, your health and your challenging job. You will be more focussed and be able to get things done more effectively. The Camry should not be the one that you should focus your energy on.

Well I don't want to force you to buy it. Ultimately,its your own decision. I get no commission from Mr Toyota. Some people get millions being agents for submarine contracts but not me. I do it for my love of Toyota Camry hybrid and my friends in the group.

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