Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What to look for when buying a car : Camry hybrid 2016

Dear bros and sistas...

Buying a new car is not an easy decision. This is due to the fact that you are spending sometimes up to RM 200,000 ( For some people this could be more) of your hard earned money. Well ...not your money per se... but money from the bank that you borrow sometimes at very high interest rates. So before you commit into buying a car, you have to make sure that it fits nicely with your budget and the car meets certain criteria.

1. Before I buy a car , I will make sure that I want a car that will not make me lose a lot of money. In other words, the car would have to have a good resale value. My operational definition of good resale value is that I would be able to retain at least 60 % of the value of the car after 5 years of use. Because of this, I refrain from buying Koreans like Hyundai , Daewoo or Kia ( I don't know how much this is true now). I also make sure that my car is not a Citroen or a Peugeot as some salesmen label these vehicles as "sejuk'. Most probably i would not get a VW because of its well known problem with the DSG transmission.
2. Next thing that I would give a serious consideration is that the car is very reliable. I don't want to be stuck in the traffic jam with ignition or transmission problems. I don't want to be spending a lot more money on the ECU or other problems. I don't want a car to be laden with complex coding problems that need to be solved.
3. I will also make sure that my car will not be a gas guzzler. I need a car that will have the speed but will not drink lots of petrol. In this world where the price of petrol is uncertain you have to make sure that your car sips the expensive petrol and gives you the extra mileage.
4. I need a car that is comfortable and quiet. My hearing is getting more sensitive at his age and I need car that is quiet for me to drive at a long haul or around towns. My back is also giving some problems and I need the soft suspension of my car to pamper my butt and give a magic carpet ride and not a jagged ride like some sporty cars.
5. Before I buy a car , I would also make sure that the car that I want to buy is a good value car. Good value does not mean very cheap. It means that I get lots of money for the car. Sometimes good value can mean tax incentives, extended warranty, extra features and good discounts.
After taking into considerations of all these things, I come to a conclusion that the best car for me is a Camry hybrid. I don't feel any regret at all buying the car till now . I'm one satisfied customer overall. When new cars like Honda Civic comes in I would always rationalize that there's no perfect car for us....There's is no perfect wife or girl. There will always be a prettier girl in town to come . You will never be fully satisfied... Just take care of your imperfect car and you will love with her beauty...

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