Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How reliable are the batteries in the Camry Hybrid ?/ Lifespan of the batteries in the Hybrid

Dear Members and fans of Camry Hybrid

There is one question that is frequently asked by the potential buyer i.e What is the lifespan of the main battery in the Hybrid? well,  every electrical item has a lifespan, even our reliable fridge at home  has a lifespan. But in general, the lifespan of a battery in the  hybrid is around 10 years. However, it must be noted that Toyota guarantees the potential buyer 8 years of battery assurance provided that all terms and conditions are met.

What factors affect the longevity of the battery? There are many factors that play a role in the lifespan of the battery but mainly they are heat, humidity, lots of hills driving and flat grounds because we are not exerting stress on the battery. Another great contributing factor is idleness-meaning not driving the car too many. This is especially relevant to senior citizens who have the tendency to just leave their cars in  garages and drive their Proton Iriz or Myvis instead.

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