Sunday, July 14, 2019

Beautiful Beast-Camry Hybrid

Dear CHOCoM members..

Today is 15 /12/2018 and I was contemplating of getting rid of 100 grams of my excess weight by jogging around Putrajaya but the weather did not permit me to do that as it was raining cats and dogs.
Instead, I decided to visit Toyota showroom in Bangi to see the all-new " beautiful monster" to see for myself how beautiful the beast is. I drove to section 7 of the academic town and parked my car about 60 meters away from the Toyota dealership...
I walked straight into the showroom and there was the beautiful monster greeting me and smiling at me arrogantly...I immediately invited myself into the car and jumped onto the seat behind the steering wheel and gawking at the handsomely designed instrument clusters.
..Wow!!... the instrument panel looks much more inviting and more luxurious and executive compared to the old model that we are driving...the interior is definitely more upmarket and more expensive and can be mistaken for a low specs Lexus.. While enjoying the instrument cluster suddenly a piece of paper with a colorful brochure appeared in front of my face with a gentle voice reminding me that the car sells for RM 189,000...I think the salesman by the name of Kelvin was trying to make me think twice and I don't blame him as I was sloppily dressed...
I noticed the exterior of the car is also more dynamic and the paint job was much better compared to our car... The quality of the paint job is outstanding and it was very glossy and lustrous and comparable to paint job on continental cars like Peugeot and Mercedes
I also love the center console of the car with its perfect height and makes it very comfortable to rest your arm on a long journey... I noticed that the car also comes with an electronic handbrake which we all love compared to our footbrake...
Overall, I think the car looks handsome but it is still not worth the premium price that UMW Toyota is charging us.. If the car comes with the new engine like the dynamic force,I think CHOCoM members could consider buying it...I love the Camry but I don't adore UMW Toyota... I feel that Toyota Japan should buy out UMW and give us all the latest offerings. We the consumers and loyal buyers of Toyota products deserve some rewards through the state of the art offerings by Toyota Japan like what the buyers in the US are getting.. Tenkiu.

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