Sunday, July 14, 2019

PS 4 for Camry Hybrid

Dear CHOCoM members
I've been using PS 4 tyres for more than 2 years (55k). So far I'm fully satisfied with its sharp performance. Despite being a performance tyre, the ride comfort and quietness have been outstanding. The only problem that makes me have a reservation about continuing it's usage is the steep pricing. It costs more than RM 500 a piece and you multiply that by 4 and you know how much we have to spend on a new pair of shoes.
I also believe that it's rather an overkill if I continue using the tyres on Camry when the car is actually meant for ride comfort. Why spend so much money on tyres when you're just driving a family sedan? I think the main reason is probably we are satisfying our cravings for something branded ..
If you look at my tires I have a few more thousand kilometers at hand before I need to change the tyres. My next choice would probably be something cheaper like Korean made tyres or Sime tyres/ Continental tyres. Most likely it would be a Hankook..

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