Sunday, July 14, 2019

The problem with UMW Toyota

Dear much respected CHOCoM members...
I really find it difficult to write this post. I really don't know where to start, and don't know how to actually convey my mood or set the tone of the text. I will, however, try my best to be very objective and not too emotional ...
Do you still remember the email that we sent to UMW- TOYOTA Malaysia on the 28th of SEPT. regarding Camry Hybrid on several issues pertaining to 
1. Out-dated Mirror link
2. Spongy brake system
3. Low-quality sound system
4. Low-quality paint job
5. Outdated map
6. Outdated head unit
And today ... after a few weeks, I called up their executive by the name of En. Ariff who stoically pointed out that they had deliberated the issues at length and have decided not to meet us as a group because there is nothing new to discuss. In other words, they were saying the issues that we have raised were non-issues and they were nothing new to deliberate. Hence, there was no need for a meeting.
I will release the content of the letter which will be sent to me via this channel for all of you to see once I managed to get hold of the reply from Toyota headquarters (All these remarks here were based on my tel. conversations with En Ariff.)
From my discussion with Mr. Ariff and the manner of how UMW -Toyota Malaysia deals with its customers my conclusion is that UMW Toyota Malaysia is just too big, too insensitive towards its loyal customers. To me, they have forgotten that we are the customers who have built the company to become a multi-billion dollar company. I believe they have lost touch with their customers base in Malaysia.
If you asked me personally whether I would buy a Toyota again after this fiasco? My answer, for now, is NO. A big NO. Not that Toyota is not a good car- it really is -but the PR aspect of the company i.e- the principal agent for TOYOTA which is UMW. I will not buy a Toyota from UMW Toyota anymore. Period... They just should learn to be more modern in their customer outreach. As for members of CHOCoM, the decision is ultimately yours.
Dr. Salleh
Camry Hybrid Owners Club Malaysia
(For your information, the current President of UMW Toyota is Mr. Ravindran Kurusamy who coincidentally studied in the same university as me in the United States)

1 comment:

  1. I believe Toyota car is relatively quite good but the people working within may not be HONEST. My experienced with UMW TOYOTSU on Map with 1 FREE upgrade promised was not fulfilled. When enquired for upgrade, same reason given "no new edition" yet until I found out from other hybrid owners having even 2 upgrades.
    I confronted UMW TOYOTSU and was told that it was not stated in my Purchase Order.
    How would you feel? I wrote in to UMW TOYOTSU, they didn't respond.
    Today, I am still using the old Map with no East Cost Highway, no Shah Alam Icok highway and several roads within KL, PJ and Klang with a car still under warranty.
    My advice to all buyers, please make sure "promises" are stipulated in your Purchase Order.
    Just don't trust UMW STAFF.
